KIT109 Assignment 1- Devlog
Shown on this page is my assignment 1 made for KIT109 game fundamentals, as is defined in the assignment description it is a basic Pong clone with all the necessities are present;
- Sprites
- Simple Scripting
- Triggers
- Input
- Rigidbodies
- UI
I completed many of these components by cannibalizing or taking advantage of the polymorphism of the scripts I've already worked with for the Invaderoids tutorials, these scripts and their purposes are as follows. I used the StartMovingInRandomDirection script to start the ball in a random direction, I later changed the direction choice to a chance of going straight to either player for better game play, I also used this script to add force to the ball when hit by the paddles. Another script I repurposed for this project was the DesctroyOnCollision script, this much like its originally purpose was used to destroy the ball when it comes in contact with a specific game object (identified by the tag). I also used this script to instantiate a prefab of the ball when destroyed which was not in the original code. Another script that I repurposed that was practically untouched by the completion of my rendition of Pong was the PaddleMovement script which I used to move the paddles. The only change I made to this script was adding a boolean to check if it was paddle 1 or 2 being controlled and changing the controls accordingly. The only other script that I used as a template was the SceneSwitcher script which needed absolutely no tampering to work as intended.
To add the features that the original Pong had I created another script which I named Manager, this script was used to implement everything to do with scoring, this is including calculating the scores of each player and displaying them as text onscreen, checking that when a player gets to 10 points they win and displaying this as text. This is what I considered the base game, my Pong had most of the core features of the original game but compared to many others versions of Pong it was still extremely bare-bones.
So next I added 3 scenes, a main menu, a scene for if player 1 won and a scene if payer 2 won. I changed the Manager script to reflect this so when a player reaches 10 points instead of displaying congratulations on screen it loads a new scene depending on the victor. Also in the build settings I set up the main menu with a background and ui. The menu had 2 options to start with, play game and quit, I reused my previous quit script from the tutorial tasks. This was still pretty bare so I made a quick AI for the second player, this ai just replicates the same y value as the ball so it's pretty impossible to beat, I added a new scene and option in the start menu to reflect this. Lastly I decided to add sound to my Pong, I did this by making another script called SoundManager and making it a component of the ball, I originally wanted this to be a bounce sound made when the ball collides with any surface but I decided to randomise the bounce sound and finally replace the sounds entirely with random clips I enjoy to further juxtapose the difference in sound the project is capable of, I will attempt to reference these bellow.
Code used from KIT109 Games Fundamentals Utas 2021
Art was made by me using MS Paint
Clip from Megalavania was originally made by Toby Fox and posted to youtube by nichijew
Impression of Ben Shapiro done and posted to youtube by bruh sound effect 2Minecraft cave ambient sound effect created by Mojang
Crowbar sound effect used by Valve in half life 2 and Gmod by Facepunch Studios
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